小石城(Little Rock)大型购物商场推荐

001生活网 - 07-05

美国小石城(Little Rock)有哪些大型的购物中心呢?譬如outlet商场,能买到Lv,coche包之类的, 请看cuclife为您精选推荐:


1.Ashley Square 地点:Rodney Parham and Reservoir roads. This plaza houses some popular lower-pri

类别:购物商场 -- 大型商场☆☆☆☆

Park Plaza Mall

Park Plaza is the premier shopping center in the Little Rock, AR area and is home to over 80 of your

类别:购物商场 -- 大型商场☆☆☆☆☆

McCain Mall

一个二层的购物中心, 有80多个店铺, McCain Mall is anchored by Dillards, JCPenney, Sears and Regal Cinemaand features over 80 specialty

类别:购物商场 -- 大型商场